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AI, Human, Cyberhuman

I have just published AI, Human, Cyberhuman
Can AI reach or surpass us in creative arts?
Dispelling the myth of super-intelligent AI.

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AI, Human, Cyberhuman is a multidisciplinary synthesis of works in neuroscience, machine learning, far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics, psychology, and theory of evolution, referencing work by Rodolfo Llinás, Gerald Edelman, Ilya Prigogine, Ernest Hartmann, and others.

Our journey in this article will take us to the fundamental reason that the brains evolved in animals and not in plants. We will discuss how the neural nets learn, while our brains are based on the evolutionary principle. We’ll dive into the roots of our creativity, to discover the malleability of our memories is a good thing and what it has to do with dreams. We’ll deconstruct the question of what makes us different from the AIs (hint: not what makes us different from animals). This will lead us to a key discovery: what makes us humans better at handling the unpredictable—the systems with a butterfly effect, the problems that are incomputable in principle, even with infinite computing power.

But the deep reasons why this is the case will take us into the discussion of complex adaptive systems far from equilibrium. We’ll find what helps such open, spontaneously self-organizing systems beat entropy and how our digital AIs are more like “plugins” into our human “framework,” helping but hardly replacing us. It’s similar to how the genetic code, though digital, must use analog bodies as the “vessels” to evolve toward higher complexity and not decay: 1,001 steps forward and 1,000 steps back—while purely digital AIs would take 1,000 steps forward and 1,001 steps back, without us.

Toward the end, we’ll look into how AIs can be plugged into our human framework, so as to take the best of both worlds, the digital and the analog. We will discuss the dangers, too, and how the creative arts can help to make that extra steps forward that will keep us over the brink.

Published inLeo's Blog